For everyone who is ready and has the courage to become his or her own therapist and coach. Nothing changes your life more sustainably than understanding and clearing it yourself.
Learn how to use and play DARE with a DARE Guide during a one-day session.
If you have the courage, change your life in just one day.Play DARE TO B’RICHED with a DARE Guide.
Through playful learning, we say goodbye to the old world and make our way into the new world together.
You are a human being of the new world, so gather all your courage and grant yourself this day that will change your life. It will feel light and playful. Almost without noticing it, you’ll clear major issues, think deeply about life and end the day as a free human being, in all your strength and beauty.
Certified DARE Guides host these one-day sessions in which you play DARE together with a group of like-minded people. The Guides ensure optimal success, a good atmosphere, deep insight and honesty. Self-deception doesn’t stand a chance!
Game Nights
Some go to the bar, others come to Game Night! Resolve issues with the help of a DARE guide while also having fun.
DARE TO B’RICHED Coming home
Three days of in-depth exploration led by developer Uwe Albrecht...
Homo real
Over the course of four days, developer Uwe Albrecht guides you from being a Homo sapiens to becoming a Homo real. DARE and innerwise at their most advanced level: for those who are ready to take full responsibility for themselves and want to discover what life can really be.

DARE TO B’RICHED is part of the innerwise family which also includes a self-help and professional healing system, an analysis and diagnostics system and a consulting system.
These give the tools to anyone who wants them to be able to understand and shape their own lives in a comprehensive way — intuitively, playfully, free from drama, analytically and verifiably.